Friday, January 18, 2013

Questioning Capablilities

H.U.R.T. 100 Course

The hubby has incredible faith in my ability.  Sometimes it takes someone else to show you what you are capable of, before you believe it yourself.

Yesterday, I found myself sitting at a table talking to a complete stranger who is 10 years younger than me (in my world, that makes her 19!) making a plan so she finishes this weekend's H.U.R.T. 100.  It's her 3rd 100 miler, on top of numerous Ultras this past year.

What struck me was how grateful she is that Steve and I are willing to take turns to spend 20 miles and numerous hours  on one of the most challenging 100 courses.  To me it seems totally normal and natural to help out a fellow trail runner. Although I am not an Ultra Runner, I run on trails and love to run far.  I am confident I can "Rike" (Run/Hike) for 20 miles.  What I wasn't sure I could do is be a coach/cheerleader to someone who has a pretty impressive resume.  That was my hesitation.

Yet it was reinforced, yet again, that those who are dedicated to running, who push their bodies to where most wouldn't even dream of, and who live and breath a training/race plan are connected by the "addiction' and the differences fall by the way side.  From fueling, rest days, peeing in the woods, and getting through aid stations as quickly as possible (YES, she thinks like me!!!).....we speak the same language.

So, I'm going to spend a few hours and 20 miles with a sister in running.  I knew I had the legs and lungs, and now I know I have the heart.

And I got the lucky lap.  I get to take her home to the FINISH LINE!

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