Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year. New Goals

Ready to run the last mile to 2012 miles.  As always, sporting Lululemon and my Newtons!

Steve and I accomplished both running goals set in 2012 by completing our 2012th mile on December 30th!


Seeing the pictures of our boys and their lack of enthusiasm as to what running 2012 miles meant to us led me to the conclusion that there are many out there who "don't get it".  At first I was offended and irritated that our kids didn't jump for joy at our feat, but then realized that it's my joy in what I accomplish that is important, and I don't need other's approval or pats on the back.

So on this first day of 2013 here are my goals:

1. Run 3 Marathons

2. Run a sub 3:15

3. Don't have a mileage goal yet plan on hitting 1500 miles.
I realized after running over 208 miles in December and only taking 2 days off, how important rest is as my hamstrings are still fatigued after taking yesterday off.  

2013 Race Schedule:

-Napa Valley Marathon/March 3rd
-Mayor's Marathon/June 22nd
-Honolulu Marathon/December 8th

Half Marathons: 
-Hibiscus Half Marathon/May 26th
-Windward Half Marathon/September 8th
-Val Nolasco Half Marathon/November 17th

Trail Run (!!!):
-Xterra Freedom Fest 10k Kuuloa Ranch/July 6th

-Norman Tamanaha 15k/August 11th
-Kaelaloa 20k/September 1st
-iRun 25k/Septermber 29th
-808 Race 30k/October 27th

Happy New Year!  I am looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings and pray that each runner sets a goal that will challenge them.  Goals, and sharing them with others, hold you accountable.  On our run this morning my husband says that it is human nature to do the minimum of what is expected out of you...if you say you'll run when you feel like it, you will.  If you say you'll run 20 miles a week, you may hit 21.  If you say you'll qualify for Boston, you'll do everything you can to qualify.  It doesn't matter where your fitness level is....we can always be challenged to become better and the first thing to do is lace up your shoes and head out the door.  

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