Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mommy Woes.

It's Saturday night and I've got big plans: Movie night with the 9 year old.  The hurricane force winds and the fact that I'm sure the sky is falling with all the rain, actually makes movie night at home sound appealing.  The fact that my older 2 aren't here with me is tinged with some sadness.

Kiana left for college yesterday and the tears were streaming at the airport as I watched her make her way through security.  It was so fun having her home and we were able to sneak in 2 beautiful beach days in between Christmas celebrations.  Yet the reality is that she belongs in college.  She knew what she was doing when she said OSU (GO POKES!) was the school for her.  She has a super duper fabulous roomie, who comes with a super duper fab family that live an hour away.  Her sorority sisters are just that, sisters.  The amount of texts, calls, snapchats (had no idea what it was!), ect from these girls was overwhelming.  They love her.  They missed her.  It made putting her on that plane, knowing I wouldn't get to wrap my arms around her until May, bearable.  It's where she belongs.

Walk on the beach with my college girl!

Makai.  Sigh.  He is driving.  He is in high school.  He is going out at night.  Although I personally was a perfect angel, I DO know what goes on in Kailua with high schoolers on a Saturday night.  So I gave him another talk tonight (repeat of last night), he promised he would make good choices, but it sucks. I worry. He's never done anything to make me question his judgement and chats up a storm.....I try (TRY!) to not be judgmental, listen, and offer insight if I feel it is warranted.  He has 2 full day shoots this week, which means missing 2 days of school.  It's a delicate balance.  School comes first.  The industry usually doesn't shoot on weekends.   He doesn't want a career in the industry as he sees how fickle it is, but the money allows him to not have to work for minimum wage and instead focus on school, running, and surfing.  Yet the industry worries me......the amount of money is insane and the fuss made over a kid from make up, wardrobe, the directors....well, it's embarrassing.  I have to sit back while they fetch whatever he wants when I want to scream, "HE CAN GET HIS OWN WATER AND SANDWICH IT WON"T MESS UP HIS HAIR!"  Thankfully, when I observe him at work, he is always responsible, mature, and does exactly as the director asks.  Allowing him to grow up is difficult.  Driving. Girls. Wish he was on the couch watching a movie with me.

Growing up.  Helping build the trampoline verses waiting to jump on it. 

Thankfully I have my sweet Kanoa.  He wants to sit on the couch with me and snuggle.

Snuggle Time

The hubby is getting ready to run his first ultra.  I was going to camp with him but the weather would cause the tent to blow away.  I'm going to bed early so I can pace him in the wee hours of morning.  Due to the above mentioned wind and rain, I am bummed for him as it is going to be a mud fest.  I don't know if he'll get in his 60 miles as he may be swimming through the creek verses running through it.  I have no idea what to wear.  Really think I should wear a bathing suit with a jacket.  And it doesn't matter what shoes I run in as they'll be covered with mud.  Can honestly say, it doesn't sound in the least bit fun, but maybe when I get out there I will be surprised.
I'll leave the bikini at home.  I'm wearing a running skirt. It makes me feel like a #beast!

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