Sunday, July 7, 2013

First "Official" Trail Race

I am no longer a Trail Race Finisher virgin! I've been running trails for well over a year, when Steve decided to tackle the Pikes Peak Marathon.  Not only have we been running the trail systems on O'ahu, but took a one week trip through the Ozarks to run.

The trails in Hawai'i are challenging.  roots. rocks. mud. They present big challenges for me as coordination is not in my vocabulary.

I did spend 20 miles on trails above Manoa for the most challenging race on Oahu, the H.U.R.T. 100 where I paced Lavy to the finish so she could claim her Belt Buckle.  We spent a lot of time "Riking" (Running/Hiking).  I'm super efficient at that.

I also paced Steve for the New Year's Revolution Ultra Run at Kualoa Ranch in January.  Beautiful trails, challenging....Steve's race, not mine.

Everyone is very supportive and appreciative you when you are a pacer, as it's no joke to "help" an athlete complete 100 miles.  But it wasn't my race.

After being a little too competitive with myself and discouraged over this whole liver/diaphragm pain which has slowed down my training, I decided to sign up for a trail race.  The H.U.R.T. Kaena Point Firecracker 10 miler seemed my best bet of 1. Remaining Upright and 2. Running the entire race.

Ran the course last week for a pre-race training run with some of the H.U.R.T. crew and although it is hotter than the hottest day in Africa out there, I knew I could run the entire course.  And I did, except for the one moment when I huge rock jumped in front of my path and I landed on my side/stomach/hands.

My hands. With gravel.

My elbow.  With gravel.

I spare you the knee and foot.  I did pop right back up and keep running.  I then asked the photographer down the way if he got a picture of it, but he didn't.  Now THAT would have been worth the fall.

Right after I became one with the rocks.  Notice the dirt and blood....and smile!

I was super fortunate to have one of my training partners run the 2nd half with me.  She kept my mind off of the heat and humidity.  The long uphill mile-ish at the end was brutal, but since I was running with her, I didn't slow down.  The race ended on the sand and my friend and I were sitting in 4th and 5th.  I told her I was not going to pass her.  She stopped when I fell.  It was a combined effort getting to the finish.  Finishing was awesome.

Who needs Girl's Night Out?  We have trails to conquer! 

Finishing not only Top 10, but Top 5 women was surprising.  I didn't want to suck.  Or come in last.  Added bonus: 4 of the top 5 train together.  I'm trying to get super woman Rachel to join us once in awhile. :)

Top 5 Women.  Honored to be in the presence of these amazing ladies!