Thursday, August 1, 2013

More. To This Life.

The Cure finally came to Hawaii.  First time ever.  Steve bought us tickets, the day they went on sale, and I must say that I felt like a teenager driving to the Blaidsdell Arena.  I was that excited.  And we stashed beer in a cooler.  Rebels.

refreshment in the car before the concert. 

They played Lovecats. Hot Hot Hot. Let’s Go To Bed. This Close To Me. LOVE that music.  I wore super high strappy sandals.  The damage they did to my feet in 3 hours will be felt for a least a few days.  Next time I’m wearing my Newtons.

Which leads me to why I am blogging.  I ran into a ton of people I hadn’t seen in a long. long. time at the concert.  Some Facebook “friends” who I rarely see, but we keep tabs on each other through social media.  At one point in our lives we saw each other face to face.  Often.

Three women.  Not together.  All commented on my running.  Like the first thing out of their mouth. 

“Love keeping up with your running.”

“Wish I could run like you”. To which I replied, just lace up your shoes and run.

 “I think of you and want to run, but….”.  See above comment.

“Are your pictures staged?” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“You inspire me Malia!”  Music to my ears.

You get the picture.  They didn’t ask about my work.  I do work 40 hours a week, usually more. I carry a phone on me and am “on call” 24/7. In fact the night of the concert.  6:30 pm. I was working.  While applying make up.  And figuring out an outfit. No one asked about my kids either.  Have 3 of those the last time I checked.  3 darling little creatures who are constantly asking for money. Or anything else in my life.  Not that cooking. laundry. or keeping up with the house is very interesting.

I was in no way offended.  I LOVE to chat about running.  They probably regretted opening up that conversation.  

But it got me thinking....

Have I given the impression on Facebook that all I do is run?  It is my happy place.  (Other happy place is the beach. In Hawaii.) I love to share my adventures.  And the underlying goal: inspire someone to get out the fricken door.  Cancer? Puuleeez! Kids? Apparently The Bob is the new Baby Jogger stroller.  Husband deployed?  All the more reason to lace up the shoes.  Yet running only takes up a very. very. very small portion of my day.

Let's average 1.5 hours of running a day. Ok, maybe 2 hours.  There ARE 24 hours in a day.

I don’t find my office super interesting.  (Work yes. But a lot of what I do is not be to shared.)  Except when I get a Plank Owner's Surfboard.  Stein. Country Music Stars stop by for a visit.  Speedy aircraft.  Then I take a picture and post.

Speedy Aircraft.  The pilots I work with are much more badass than those that fly these.  I just think jets are way cool! 

No one needs to know how many loads of laundry I fold a day.  Or when I clean the house.  But I do “chores” daily.  Really I do.  I do not wear Lululemon throughout the day.  I’m not sure my boss would approve.  So I put on a dress, with heels.  Weekends? I live in a bathing suit.  After my run, of course.

Football season started today.  My feed will soon have game posts about the most adorable 10 year old.  1st Cross Country Meet is at the end of the month.   Yeeeeeees. You know I must give weekly race reports.  The oldest is in college.  Surely there will be some OSU updates that I must share?!

Am I obsessed with running?  I feel quite certain I've given that impression. Probably not a good week to have this conversation with myself.  Monday, I “officially” started the countdown training plan to my 1st Ultra in October.  And knock off some minutes for The Honolulu Marathon in December.  I would carefully say that running is my hobby and sanity rolled up into one.  It also keeps me fit and healthy.  And challenged.  The challenge makes me feel alive and incredibly fortunate when I conquer it. 

There are days when Kanoa wakes up before I get home from my run.  Sometimes he is waiting for me at the door with his Brooks on.  And we log a mile together.  Other times he is watching TV, still waking up.  There are hours when running takes Steve and I away from the kids.  But we choose to have date “night” in the morning running 3 hours in the mountains.  We could drive into town.  Eat at a restaurant.  See a movie.  Same amount of time away from home.  Running mountains is our idea of a great time together.

"Date" morning started with a sunrise on the north shore.  17 miles of beauty followed.
This run was gorgeous.  I ran it with Steve and Kai.  And a part of it with Kiana and Kanoa.
Facebook is filled with people I've known since I was five to peeps I've never even met in person.  I get messages from people who ran their first 5k and wanted to share it with me. If they share it with me because they think my whole life is running. Well....that is pretty awesome.

Running truly brings me joy.  Which is why I post about it so much.  But there is so much more to this life than my runs.  I just happen to work everything in around the run.  Or after the run.  Whatever...  


  1. I know that you do more than run. But I often think we can use photos and social media to portray our lives as better than they really are (not saying you do), so I try to be honest about the struggle and the ups and downs because my life is GREAT, but there are struggles.

    Appreciate your family, all 5 of them. :)


    1. I agree Benji! I also think there is a fine line between airing your "dirty laundry" ( :) ) and keeping it real. I go on Facebook to be entertained and see pictures, not to hear whining or political rants. Others may go on Facebook to hear other's opinions. I think we post what we want to see. Now on IG, if I post a non running picture, it gets bypassed. Yet, I choose to follow athletes so probably bypass cute kid pictures too....

  2. So true - great to reflect on this! You could say that Running is your art? I guess we have to try and have the same attitude for everything we do - even the laundry :) But I'm not sure I'm ready to start thinking about a PR for that...

    1. I like the "Running is my art" statement. A lot. Let me know if you figure out a PR for laundry!!!
